Delegates paying tribute to late General Vo Nguyen Giap

The event was part of the activities to mark the 78th anniversary of the foundation day of the Vietnam People's Army (December 22, 1944 - 2022), 33 years of the all people's national defense festive day (December 22, 1989 - 2022), and the 50th anniversary of the "Hanoi - Dien Bien Phu in the air" Victory (December 12, 1972-2022). 

At the event, Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh and members of the delegation paid respect and expressed their deep gratitude to the "Big Brother" of the Vietnam People's Army, a loyal revolutionary, a close and outstanding disciple of President Ho Chi Minh, an outstanding military talent, a great man of culture, a remarkable contributor to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the country.

The same day, Senior Lieutenant General Le Huy Vinh visited and presented gifts to Lieutenant General Tran Hanh, Hero of the People’s Armed Forces and former Deputy Defense Minister, and Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Soat, Hero of the People’s Armed Forces and former Deputy Chief of the General Staff.

Delegates inquiring after Lieutenant General Nguyen Duc Soat

At the meetings, the Deputy Minister of National Defense wished the former defense leaders good health and hoped that they will make more valuable and practical contribution to the revolutionary cause of the Party and State and military building and defense consolidation.

Translated by Tran Hoai