Reportedly, the weather conditions in border areas and at sea have developed complicatedly over the past year. Many tropical depressions, typhoons and other extreme climate phenomena such as tornado, hail, and forest fire, have caused great damages to the people and property of the people, State and military.

During the event

The command has sent 8,088 troops and 319 vehicles to collaborate with local authorities in implementing search and rescue tasks. Border units in coastal areas have provided timely information about climate conditions and guided nearly 500,000 participating vehicles and nearly 2.4 million people to cope with natural disasters or to escape from dangerous areas.

According to the National Center for Hydro - Meteorological Forecasting, the weather condition in 2022 will continue developing unexpectedly and 12 to 14 typhoons and tropical depressions are forecast to form in the East Sea (South China Sea). Therefore, the Vietnam Border Guard Command required all relevant units to follow orders of the Ministry of National Defense, the General Staff in the natural disaster prevention and control as well as in implementing search and rescue missions, contributing to fulfilling their assigned tasks.

Translated by Trung Thanh