Models and initiatives are also to actualize the Central Military Commission’s Resolution 847-NQ/Q on promoting virtues of Uncle Ho’s soldiers and preventing individualism in the new period.

Last March, Ia Nan Border Post of the Gia Lai provincial Border Guard Command opened a “VND 0 booth” to serve people in border communes in Duc Co district, Gia Lai province. From then on, the Gia Rai ethnic minority people frequently visited the booth, taking fresh vegetables, instant noodles, fish sauce, salt, or spices to improve their daily meals. All items in the booth were gathered from various sources by the officers and employees of Ia Nan Border Post. For example, clothes are donated by families and relatives and carefully washed and dried. Vegetables are grown by the unit. All items are priced at VND 0.

Troops of the Ha Tinh provincial Border Guard Command help people in Huong Lien commune, Huong Khe district.

The “VND 0 booth” is one of many innovative models and approaches that have been effectively implemented by border guard troops with love and responsibility towards people and comrades in border areas and on islands over the past three years. Numerous models comprehensively and synchronously implemented by the Border Guard Command have brought significant results to the border areas. Notably, the "Breeding cow for needy people in border areas" program has handed over 30,000 breeding cows, worth over VND 400 billion in total, to impoverished people in border areas nationwide. The "Shelter for the poor in border areas and on islands" program is another effective one, as it has handed over nearly 7,000 houses to poor families and constructed 300 projects for difficult border communes, with a total budget of over VND 300 billion.

The above-mentioned models and approaches are practical activities to actualize the movement of studying and following of President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle.

Studying, following Uncle Ho's example and promoting the qualities of Uncle Ho’s soldiers in the new period, the officers and soldiers of the Border Guard Command have upheld a high sense of responsibility, especially in training, combat readiness observance, search and rescue operations, and assisting people in border areas in socio-economic development. During 2021 - 2024 period, border guard units mobilized over 39,000 officers and soldiers, along with more than 3,400 vehicles, to participate in search and rescue missions and post-disaster recovery efforts; provided shelters for hundreds of thousands of people; given VND 14.4 billion and nearly 1,000 tons of food to locals.

Particularly, in the fight against crime and maintaining security and order in the border areas, from January, 2021 to March, 2024, border guard units coordinated to smash over 367 crimes and carried out hundreds of operations and crackdowns on criminal activities, arresting 3,905 drug offenders, seizing over 3,750 kilograms of various drugs, and handled 3,926 cases of smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods with a total value of seized goods amounting to around VND 551 billion.

Performing their assigned functions and tasks, border guard troops are always present in key areas, actively assisting the people in border areas in socio-economic development and participating in strengthening the grassroots political system. Their deeds have won the trust and high recognition of local people, party committees, and local authorities. The achievements have served as a crucial driving force for the border guards to enhance the effectiveness of advisory work and coordination with party committees and local authorities in building and consolidating the political system in border areas. Many comrades have become shining examples of wholehearted devotion and spirit to embark on new and difficult areas. 

According to Political Chief of the Border Guard Command Major General Tran Van Bung, the party committees and chains-of-command of agencies and units under the Border Guard Command have considered learning, grasping, and implementing the Politburo’s Conclusion 01-KL/TW on May 18, 2021 and the Military Central Commission’s Resolution 847 an important content and come up with plans and programs to bring them to life. 

Based on the real situation, the Party Committee of the Vietnam Border Guard Command and party committees and chains-of-command at all levels have determined breakthrough tasks for each term and each year and effectively combined the implementation of Conclusion 01 with Resolution 847 and other resolutions and conclusions of the Central Party Committee on party building, rectification.

The aforementioned achievements prove that the learning and following President Ho Chi Minh’s thought, morality, and lifestyle, in combination with the implementation of Resolution 847, have become regular practices and norms within the agencies, units, and among officers, party members, and soldiers of the Vietnam Border Guard Command.

Translated by Tran Hoai