This statement was underlined by Major General Do Minh Xuong, Director of the Army Academy.

One of the school’s outstanding achievements is the education and training, and military scientific research work in both scale and quality. So far, the academy has organized 600 courses with more than 57,000 officers inside and outside Vietnam.

During a training session of the Army Academy 

Currently, the academy is tasked with building a smart and modern school. Therefore, it focuses on innovating and raising the quality of education and training, as well as scientific research. To meet these goals, it has to comprehensively implement the following solutions.

First, the unit continues to effectively carry out resolutions, directives, and conclusions of the Party, Central Military Commission, and Ministry of National Defense. It should also implement Resolution No.717-NQ/DU of the school’s Party Committee, finalize the “Building a smart and modern Army Academy until 2030, with a vision to 2045” project, and then realize the resolution right after its approval by the Ministry of National Defense. In addition to that, the school strives to become a training center offering training programs for officers at the tactical and operational levels, the high-quality military master of arts and doctorate programs, and military scientific research of the military and the country.

Besides, the unit will innovate education and training contents and forms, promote practice and participants’ self-study abilities, in line with reality.

Furthermore, leaders at all levels should direct and take measures to raise the quality of instructors and educational administration staff as regulated.

Accordingly, the academy sets a target that by the end of 2025, over 75% of its instructors and administration staff will have been standardized according to regulations of the Ministry of National Defense; more than 85% of its instructors will have received post-graduate degrees, including over 25% earning a Master of Arts degree; and over 45% of administration staff will receive post-graduate degrees. At the same time, annually, at least three instructors and education administration staffers will achieve the academic titles of Professor, Associate Professor, and Meritorious Teacher.

Regarding scientific research, the academy will focus on reviewing defense and military theory and practice; studying new operation methods and forecasting possible future types of warfare and schemes; and proposing recommendations with high theoretical and practical values. Meanwhile, the school will pay due attention to raising the quality of curriculum designs, references, scientific reports; actively extending cooperation with other partners; and providing military scientific information in an accurate and timely manner.

Furthermore, the unit will attach importance to digitizing curricula, documents, and lectures; and effectively employing e-learning resources; as well as gradually improving the material and spiritual life of its cadres, instructors, learners, soldiers, and staffs.

Upholding its traditions in the current context to deserve the honorable title “Hero of the People's Armed Forces,” the academy will ceaselessly promote the quality of education and scientific research in the time ahead, making contribution to building a modern and smart school.

Translated by Minh Anh