The division studied, forecast, and evaluated the situation accurately, thereby building concrete plans close to reality and making thorough preparations in all aspects.

During the exercise, participating troops applied skills and tactics to specific situations, closely collaborated with each other to address different situations during the phases of combat and strictly observed regulations.

The exercise aimed to raise troops’ bravery, master their skills and enhance coordination and combat readiness competence to firmly safeguard the sky of the Fatherland in all situations.

The People’s Army Newspaper would like to introduce some photos of the exercise.

Sr. Col. Dang Hong Tuan, Commanding Officer of Air Defense Division 367, assigns missions to troops.
Completing the plan for the exercise
Giving signals at the battlefield
Setting up a radar station
Company 4, Regiment 230, Air Defense Division 367 performing missions
A soldier of the 57mm anti-aircraft battery aiming at the target
Loading ammunition
Annihilating airborne targets
Leaders of the Air Defense - Air Force Service encourage troops of Company 4, Regiment 230, Air Defense Division 367.

Translated by Song Anh