The event also drew the participation of Senior Lieutenant General Thongloi Silivong, member of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, Deputy Defense Minister and Director of the General Department of Political Affairs of the Lao People’s Army (LPA).

Faithful relationship between Vietnam and Laos

General Luong Cuong addressing the exchange

Luang Prabang has a shared borderline with two Vietnamese northwestern provinces of Son La and Dien Bien. On the campus of the Luang Prabang provincial Military Command - where the Vietnam-Laos young military officers exchange took place, there were a number of banners welcoming General Luong Cuong and the VPA’s high-ranking delegation, many of them were boldly imprinted with the words of President Ho Chi Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane about the special solidarity and loyalty between the two peoples in both Vietnamese and Lao.

Before the exchange, young officers of the two militaries talked together and shared their information about their capability and daily lives. Many Lao military officers could speak Vietnamese fluently and vice versa. Especially, they sat alternately with no distance and no distinction, contributing to affirming the spirit of close solidarity between the VPA and LPA through the revolutionary periods.

In his welcoming speech, Senior Lieutenant General Thongloi Silivong underscored the determination to preserve, promote and cultivate the faithful relationship between Vietnam and Laos.

Senior Lieutenant General Thongloi Silivong speaking at the event

The exchange with the theme “Sharing Truong Son (Annamite) range – Deep friendship” underscored that Vietnam and Laos shared the Truong Son range and the Mekong Delta River. Besides, the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party both originated from the Indochinese Communist Party. President Ho Chi Minh and President Souphanouvong set foundation for the special solidarity and faithful relationship and it has been increasingly enhanced and developed by the two countries’ leaders and peoples. The history has proven that each country could develop its own revolutionary cause only when the friendship and solidarity between the two countries is preserved, cherished and nurtured.

Delivering his speech at the exchange, Captain Vo Huy Thang from the Quang Binh provincial Border Guard Command (under the Vietnam Border Guard Command) held that he had been taught about the close-knit tradition between the two countries and peoples since he was a child. His hometown is next to the Lao provinces of Khammuane and Savannakhet. Therefore, during his time working as a border guard he was well aware of the Vietnam-Laos special solidarity.

Preserving and promoting forefathers’ footsteps

In the framework of the exchange, young military officers of the two countries spent time discussing and exchanging experience while suggesting contents of cooperation between the two sides in the coming time.

Senior Lieutenant General Thongloi Silivong presenting gift to representative of Vietnamese military young officers

Addressing the event, General Luong Cuong expressed his delight at meeting outstanding representatives of young officers of the two militaries who will continue the glorious traditions built, cultivated and promoted by the two parties, states, militaries and peoples.

He also emphasized that the two sides’ youths in general and the two countries’ young military officers in particular have made great contribution to all victories and milestones on the glorious revolutionary path of both Vietnam and Laos. Their solidarity in the cause of national liberation in the past, and in the cause of national construction and defense at present is considered a symbol for the bilateral special solidarity.

In the coming time, the VPA’s GDP Chief hoped that the young military officers would promote their role and responsibility to raise competence and political stance. They should also overcome difficulties to fulfill all assigned missions, contributing to the national development of each side as well as cultivating the bilateral relations, with the focus on defense cooperation.

The general requested the two militaries’ youths to be well aware of the history and importance of the Vietnam-Laos great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, share experience in youth work, promote exchange and twinning activities, deserving the trust of the two parties, states, militaries and peoples, for the development of the friendship.

Translated by Minh Anh