The event was held on February 27 on the occasion of the Vietnamese Doctors’ Day, aiming to connect hospitals, thereby bringing opportunity for patient treatment in Bentiu, as well as supporting each other to overcome difficulties during treatment in Bentiu. The seminar was attended by medical staff and doctors working at local hospitals.

Director of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 5 Nguyen Ha Ngoc presents the report at the event.
Doctors and medical staff of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 5 and international friends in a joint photo

During the event, three doctors of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 5 presented three scientific reports on the topics: “Assessing medical situation in Bentiu and medical cooperation directions among hospitals in 2024,” “Controlling diarrhea,” and “COVID-19 - clinical and paraclinical signs in critically ill patients, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VV-ECMO) treatment.”

Reports with good quality were delivered at the seminar by Vietnamese peacekeeping doctors. The event was a chance for participants to share and exchange experience. Many medical staff and doctors during the event hailed the great efforts of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 5 because this was the first time a medical scientific seminar had been held in Bentiu.

Translated by Minh Anh