The activities created a joyful and exhilarating atmosphere for Vietnamese peacekeepers and international friends to embark on a new year with new spirit, promises, and successes.

In the New Year atmosphere, the Vietnamese peacekeeping force in UNMISS organized an activity in Tomping Base in Juba, South Sudan with the participation of a large number of guests who are commanding officers of agencies and colleagues at the mission.

The event was attended by Police Commissioner of UNMISS Christine Fossen and peacekeepers of the Vietnam People’s Army and Public Security, commanding officers and personnel of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 4 of Vietnam. 

In his speech at the ceremony, Senior Colonel Le Quoc Huy, Head of the Working Group of the People's Public Security, sent best wishes to international friends and colleagues. He thanked the mission’s commanding officers, heads of agencies, and colleagues for their support to the Vietnamese peacekeeping force. He wished that in the coming time agencies and units will foster coordination to actively and effectively contribute to peacekeeping mission.

At the event, international guests played Vietnamese folk games, attended a banquet, enjoyed Vietnamese traditional dishes, such as “banh chung” (square glutinous rice cake), spring roll, and glutinous rice.

Following the Vietnamese custom, each international guest was presented with an envelope with luck money inside and wishes of luck and peace from Vietnamese peacekeepers. 

Below are photos of the activity.

Tomping Base is well decorated to welcome the New Year.
International delegates attending the event
Vietnamese peacekeepers giving lucky money to guests
Commanding officers and personnel of the Level-2 Field Hospital Rotation 4 of Vietnam and heads of the Mission’s medical agency posing for a joint photo
International friends and colleagues attending the event to congratulate Vietnamese peacekeepers on the traditional lunar New Year
Participants playing a folk game
Winners of pot-hitting game receiving rewards
Vietnamese traditional cuisine during the lunar New Year introduced to international friends.

Translated by Tran Hoai