During the visit, Senior Colonel Tran Quoc Khanh wished troops of the Guards Command of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, Public Security Department, Military Sub-region, border protection and management police force, border guard regiments, and local people of Kandal and Takeo provinces a happy New Year. He also wished that the solidarity and friendship between the two countries and two armed forces would be consolidated.

Senior Colonel Tran Quoc Khanh presenting gifts to the Guards Command of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces

In the spirit of the good tradition between the two nations, Colonel Khanh hoped that in the coming time, the armed forces of the three provinces of An Giang (Vietnam) and Kandal and Takeo (Cambodia) will continue to closely collaborate in building, managing, and protecting border areas; controlling illegal entry and exit; preventing and combating smuggling, trade fraud, drug and human trafficking, and other crimes.

He urged the forces to regularly exchange information related to political security and social order and safety and together deal with incidents in the spirit of peace, friendship, cooperation, and respect for each other's independence and territorial integrity. The Vietnamese official said that they should foster dissemination of the time-honored relationship between the two nations, two peoples, and armed forces in the three provinces of An Giang, Kandal, and Takeo.

Senior Colonel Tran Quoc Khanh handing over gifts to the armed forces of Kandal province

On behalf of the armed forces of Kandal and Takeo provinces, Vice Commander of the Guards Command General Dieng Sarun sincerely thanked the mission of the An Giang provincial Border Guard Command for visiting, presenting gifts, and extending New Year greetings to Cambodian troops and people in border areas.

General Dieng Sarun also thanked the provincial Border Guard Command for providing both material and spiritual support for the armed forces of the two provinces to contain the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to helping the provinces’ armed forces overcome all difficulties and fulfill assigned missions.

Source: Baobienphong

Translated by Tran Hoai