Tam expressed his pleasure to attend the Chol Chnam Thmay celebration of Cambodia and congratulated Svay Rieng province for its socio-economic development achievements over the past years.

He said Long An, Tay Ninh, and Svay Rieng share borderlines and have long-standing solidarity and traditional relations.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam On speaks while receiving Vietnamese delegation.

He hopes that in the coming time, the provinces will continue to promote their cooperation in various aspects, creating favorable conditions for investors and people in investment and business, and coordinate to keep the border of peace and friendship, which contribute to fostering the relationship between Vietnam and Cambodia.

On behalf of the leaders of the two provinces of Long An and Tay Ninh, Tam wished the authorities and people of Svay Rieng province in particular and Cambodia in general to have a happy new year with many successes to come.

They wish Vietnam - Cambodia friendship will keep prospering.

Receiving the guests, Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam On thanked Long An and Tay Ninh provinces for their care and support to Svay Rieng province in the past time.

She said that based on the friendship that Vietnam and Cambodia have built over the years, their border localities have also nurtured good neighborhood, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation, and sustainable development. Therefore, she expressed his hope that the bordering provinces will continue to preserve and promote the relations, contributing to tightening the relationship between the two countries for mutual stability and development.

Source: VNA