During the joint training session, the two sides exchanged experience in combat smuggling at sea; shared information; practiced skills of conducting search and rescue, fire extinguishing and prevention, environmental protection, and safety maintenance at sea.

The delegation of the Coast Guard Region 2 Command tours Frigate Vendemiaire of the French Navy.

This was the first time that the Vietnamese coast guard force had jointly trained with Frigate Vendemiaire.

The Vendemiaire of the French Navy measures 93 meters in length and can accommodate a crew of 98 officers and sailors along with a helicopter.

The frigate left Noumea on February 29. The crew-members conducted patrol at sea; met with armed forces of ASEAN countries and those in the region, including Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei, and Australia. Vendemiaire docked at Tien Sa port, Da Nang city, on April 11 to start the visit to Vietnam.

The two sides exchange experience in combating smuggling at sea.

The visit aimed to promote exchanges and cooperation between the two forces in particular and the defense ties between Vietnam and France in general. It also demonstrated France's interest in ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight at sea and protecting common areas, contributing to fostering maritime security, safety, and freedom of navigation, for peace, stability, and development of both countries, the region, and the world as a whole.

Translated by Chung Anh