During the seminar, participating officers discussed key contents related to political and ideological work in law enforcement at sea, law enforcement at sea, marine environmental protection.

An overview of the seminar between the Vietnamese and Chinese young coast guard officers

The delegates of the two coast guard forces were outstanding individuals with remarkable achievements in their task performances. Thereby, during the discussion, the two sides exchanged specific information to find similarities, especially in marine environmental protection and the protection of fishermen of both countries while reaching out to the sea.

On the occasion, both sides introduced their functions, duties and activities, contributing to raising mutual understanding among young officers and between the two forces. As the two forces face similar challenges in the process of maritime law enforcement, they agreed to promote coordination to enhance the efficiency of their work.

Also, the seminar showed that leaders of the two forces paid much attention to creating favorable conditions for young coast guard officers to raise their capability as they are seen as the pioneering force in making more contribution to the cause of maintaining peace, stability, security and safety at sea in the region and the world.

Translated by Chung Anh