Maj. Gen. Le Quang Dao at the reception

At the event, the two head delegates reported on activities within the exchange. Gen. Dao expressed his delight at the Chinese delegation’s high appreciation of the preparations for the exchange which is rich in contents and of the thorough reception of the host Vietnam.

Sr. Col. Ganyu conveys the congratulatory letters to the Vietnamese side.

Senior Colonel Ganyu, Deputy Political Chief of the Chinese Coast Guard and head of the Chinese delegation, conveyed the congratulatory letters from the Director and Political Commissar of the Chinese Coast Guard to the Chief and Political Commissar of the Vietnam Coast Guard on the occasion of the Vietnam’s National Day (September 2), the 25th founding anniversary of the Vietnam Coast Guard (August 28) and the organization of such an exchange.

An overview of the reception
The Vietnamese delegation at the event
The Chinese delegation at the event

Sr. Col. Ganyu underlined that under the strategic leadership of the two parties and states, the bilateral practical cooperation between the two forces has brought outstanding results, contributing to the sustainable development of their relationship.

The Chinese head delegate presents a souvenir to Maj. Gen. Le Quang Dao.

The Chinese official also emphasized that the joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China in the new situation, particularly the cooperation in law enforcement at sea between the two coast guard forces, the good handling of disagreements at sea to uphold peace and security at sea have clarified the direction and requirements for the two forces to develop their cooperation.

As a result, in recent years, the coast guard forces of Vietnam and China have pro-actively carried out cooperative activities, such as high-level talks, joint patrols, sharing of information about illegal operations of fishing ships and exchanges of congratulations at important times, helping materialize directives of the two countries’ senior leaders.

Maj. Gen. Le Quang Dao and the two delegations in a joint photo

Given that the ongoing third edition of the exchange is the first offline event of the two coast guard forces after the COVID-19 pandemic is put under control, Sr. Col. Ganyu stressed that it opens up a good opportunity for young officers of the two sides to promote cooperation and friendship.

The Chinese official affirmed that the Vietnam visit this time was the result of the interest and due attention of the two leaders to strengthen the relations between the two coast guard forces. He suggested young coast guard officers of the two countries promote their responsibility, take on duties, hone expertise and actively contribute to safeguarding regional maritime security and develop new solutions to peace and security at sea.

The Vietnam coast guard chief talks to members of the Chinese delegation after the reception.

For his part, the chief of the Vietnam Coast Guard stressed that the Party, State and military of Vietnam always treasure the neighborliness, traditional friendship, and comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China and put it in the top priority in Vietnam’s foreign policy.

He hoped that during their stay in Vietnam, the Chinese delegation will have good and unforgettable experiences. He thanked the Director and Political Commissar of the Chinese Coast Guard for their letters. He said that after this exchange, other activities, including the Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange, will be held as premises to enhance cooperative contents in the time to come.

Gen. Dao emphasized the exchange’s important meaning to the success of high-level exchanges between the two parties and states.

He also noted that embracing the directions of the two parties and states, the coast guard forces of Vietnam and China have well implemented cooperation contents according to signed agreements. Since 2022, many practical activities between the two forces have taken place. Attentively, in late 2022, the Vietnamese coast guard chief and the Chinese coast guard director held the sixth talks and the first “Vietnam Coast Guard and friends” exchange was successfully held. Notably, the latest four-day joint patrol between the two coast guard forces in the Gulf of Tonkin was the first of the 25 joint patrols that saw the participation of the Vietnamese Coast Guard chief and the Chinese Coast Guard director, during which the two sides held high-level talks and agreed on regular exchange and maintenance of order and security in designated waters.

According to the Vietnamese general, in next joint patrols, the two sides will conduct joint exercises on crime prevention and control, search and rescue, protection of marine environment, and information dissemination on protection of sea environment for two countries’ fishermen. He said that the two forces are responsible to protect their fishermen fishing offshore, humanely treat fishermen, and raise their awareness of respecting each side’s waters and legally go fishing in their country’s waters.

Gen. Dao stressed that “We are law enforcement forces at sea. Thus, exchange between the two forces to boost solidarity, mutual support in task performance is necessary.”

The Vietnamese general said he will suggest the Chinese Coast Guard director to organize such exchange annually and believed that the success of this exchange will inspire the two forces to complete all cooperative contents directed by the two forces’ leaders.

Translated by Mai Huong