The event was co-chaired by Major General Tran Van Xuan, Deputy Political Commissar and Political Chief of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command and head of the Vietnamese delegation, and Senior Colonel Ganyu, Deputy Political Chief of the Chinese Coast Guard and head of the Chinese delegation.

Major General Tran Van Xuan, Deputy Political Commissar and Political Chief of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command and head of the Vietnamese delegation, speaks at the opening ceremony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Major General Tran Van Xuan highlighted the practical and effective coordination between the coast guard forces of the two countries over the past time. He said that the obtained results have contributed to consolidating and building trust between the two forces and maintaining a secure, stable, and safe environment at sea. Gen. Xuan affirmed that the collaboration between the two coast guard forces is a spotlight in cooperation in maritime law enforcement in the region. 

Young officers of the two countries at the event

The Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command added that young coast guard officers of the two countries have greatly contributed to building and maintaining the fine tradition between the Vietnamese and Chinese Coast Guard forces. He reiterated that building and strengthening the tradition of solidarity, closeness, mutual respect and study between young coast guard officers of the two countries play an important role and have been paid attention to by leaders of the two forces.

He added that the exchange is a friendship bridge demonstrating the confidence, will, and aspiration of young coast guard officers of the two countries and a festival for them to share and exchange experience and professional knowledge, thus strengthening friendship and solidarity between the two militaries in general and the two forces in particular.

Senior Colonel Ganyu, Deputy Political Chief of the Chinese Coast Guard and head of the Chinese delegation, addresses the event.

For his part, head of the Chinese delegation evaluated that over the past time the coast guard forces of the two countries have effectively cooperated in such fields as high-level talks, join patrols, young officer exchanges, visits of ships to each other’s country, information sharing, and search and rescue at sea.

He added that through the activities within the exchange program, the two sides will offer an opportunity for young officers to get to know and learn from each other, contributing to maintaining maritime peace in the region. 

Col. Ganyu highly appreciated the Vietnam Coast Guard’s preparation for the exchange and took the occasion to congratulate the Vietnam Coast Guard on the 25th Anniversary of its Foundation Day. He also spoke highly of the Vietnam Coast Guard’s positive contribution to the region and the world as well as the Fatherland construction and defense cause.

The two head delegates pose for a joint photo.

Emphasizing the importance and significance of the traditional friendship and time-honored solidarity between the two nations, heads of the two delegations agreed that the tradition should be upheld and promoted by young generations. 

At the event, representatives of participating young coast guard officers of the two countries delivered speeches, showing their pride of traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries.

The 3rd Vietnam - China Young Coast Guard Officer Exchange takes place from August 22 to 24. The highlight of the program is the Gala Night, themed “Joining hands to protect maritime environment,” with artistic performances, games, and eloquence contest. 

Delegates of the two sides in a joint photo

Within the framework of the exchange, the two delegations will pay a courtesy call on leaders of the General Department of Political Affairs of the Vietnam People’s Army and Chief of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, participate in sports exchange, pay tribute to President Ho Chi Minh, tour Hanoi, visit the Coast Guard Region 1 Command, and join environmental protection activities in Lap Le fishing commune in Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city.

Translated by Tran Hoai