The two sides agreed to coordinate to strictly implement cooperation agreements signed, enhance information exchange, and work together to supervise the operations of vehicles.

(Photo for illustration)

They will also work on building pilot smart road border gates, coordinate to organize the “citizen reception day” at border gates on a rotating basis, and step up the information work to raise public awareness of immigration regulations.

Senior Colonel Dinh Duc Hung, Commanding Officer of the Cao Bang provincial Border Guard Command, said since the beginning of this year, the two sides have maintained contacts and conducted 10 joint patrols with the participation of 244 officers, while coordinating in customs clearance and crime combat.

Border guards of the four Vietnamese localities and the Guangxi General Station of Immigration Inspection have well performed inspections and supervisions at border gates, completed customs procedures for more than 500,000 people and 150,000 vehicles, and delivered 5,363 leaflets on legal regulations to border residents.

Source: VNA