The talks between the Vietnam Border Guard Command under the Ministry of National Defense and the Command of the Royal Cambodian Army were co-chaired by their heads Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai and General Hun Manet who is also Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

An overview of the talks

At the event, General Hun Manet expressed his delight at the fine development in the relations and cooperation between the two militaries in general and the two commands in particular.

Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai wished General Hun Manet and all generals, officers and troops of the host and their families health, prosperity, happiness, and success on the occasion of the Cambodian people’s traditional New Year festival Chol Chnam Thmay.

Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai (second from left) speaks at the event.

In a united and friendly atmosphere, the two sides reviewed their past coordination to manage and defend the shared borderline and discussed future cooperation to promote the traditional friendship, good neighborliness, comprehensive cooperation between the two peoples, militaries and commands for a borderline of peace, friendship, cooperation and sustainable development.

They highlighted outstanding cooperation results in the context that the two countries hosted a number of major political and diplomatic events while fighting the COVID-19 pandemic.

In particular, the Vietnamese military regions closely and effectively worked with the Cambodian military sub-regions, and border battalions to ensure security in border areas and in the waters bordering the two countries. They well prevented cross-border spreading of COVID-19, creating favorable conditions for people in both sides of the borderline to develop economy.

Gen. Hun Manet (center) co-chairs the talks.

The two sides also encouraged and provided necessary supplies for each other to control the pandemic in a timely manner, contributing to their mission completion and maintenance of stable border for development.

Attentively, last year, they successfully organized celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the diplomatic ties (June 24), the Vietnam - Cambodia Friendship Year, the first Vietnam - Cambodia Border Defense Friendship Exchange (in May), the 45 years of the journey overthrowing the Pol Pot genocidal regime (in June) in Vietnamese province of Binh Phuoc and Cambodian province of Tbong Khmum with the two Prime Ministers as co-chairs. These celebrations helped strengthen the time-honored solidarity and friendship between the two nations and raise public awareness and responsibility, especially of youth, of preserving and cultivating the good neighborliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability between the two neighbors.

Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai and Gen. Hun Manet sign the minutes of the talks.

Regarding the cooperation in the time to come, the two sides reached consensus on continuing to carry out the cooperative contents defined in the cooperation plan and protocol for 2023 by the two defense ministries and the memorandum of understanding on border cooperation between the two commands in an intensive, practical and effective manner.

They will team with functional agencies of each country and give advice to higher levels to direct the completion of the demarcation and border marker planting for 16% of the remaining land border sections.

Gen. Hun Manet presents a gift to Lt. Gen. Le Duc Thai.

They agreed to direct their border management and protection forces to actively organize joint patrol to ensure the status quo of the borderline and national border markers; prevent transnational crimes and illegal immigration; and stay ready to respond to natural disasters, diseases, and other non-traditional security issues.

They will also promote the efficiency of information sharing mechanism, fight against hostile forces’ distorted allegation to separate the two countries’ amity and friendship, and organize activities to disseminate the two countries’ friendship and mutual support, especially in big national celebrations.


Translated by Mai Huong