The meeting aimed to discuss approaches to managing and ensuring security along the shared borderlines while launching a joint border management week.

The event drew the participation of representatives of A Pa Chai Border Post (Vietnam’s Dien Bien provincial Border Guard Command), Jiangcheng Border Management Company (Yunnan province, China), and the Police of Nhot Ou district of Phongsaly province, Laos).

Border protection forces of Vietnam, China and Laos have a meeting on May 22 at a landmark on the border T-junction of the three nations.

Over the past time, the border management cooperation among the three border protection forces has been strengthened.

They together checked their national landmarks, exchanged situations on the border areas and trails as well as crime activities along the shared borderlines.

The coordination among the three sides contributed to improving the effectiveness of transnational crime prevention and border management of each side.

On this occasion, the three sides agreed to launch the joint border management week (starting from 13:00 on May 22 to 24:00 on May 28). Therefore, each side will take measures to ensure safety and social order in border areas, contributing to fighting transnational crimes, supporting each other so as to ensure safety for important events in their countries.

In addition, they also discussed coordination in stopping illegal border crossings, and sharing information about COVID-19 to control the pandemic infection via border.

During the event, the forces of the three countries took part in a landmark saluting ceremony and a joint patrol.

The joint patrol activities of Vietnam, China and Laos border guards show solidarity and close coordination of the three sides in the management of the borderlines and the system of national landmarks of each country.

It also promotes mutual trust, understanding and respect for national border sovereignty of each country with the aim of building borderlines of peace, stability, friendship, cooperation and development.

Translated by Chung Anh