The Singaporean delegation, led by Major Barry Lai, consisted of young officers from all branches of the Singapore Armed Forces, including the navy, army, and air force. Meanwhile, the Vietnamese delegation included delegates from Military Region 5, Air Defense - Air Force Service, Vietnam Border Guard and Coast Guard Commands.

An overview of the talks
Colonel Benard Ng Yu Long speaking at the event

At the talks, the two sides’ young officers shared information and experience, affirming that they would become the core force in performing political tasks of their country, and preserve and promote heroic traditions of each country during their cause of national liberation in wartime, and national construction and protection in the current context.

Senior Colonel Tran Viet Nang addressing the event

Addressing the event, Colonel Benard Ng Yu Long underscored that over the past time, the bilateral relations between the two countries and militaries have enjoyed fruitful development. Therefore, the exchange would contribute to maintaining and enhancing the sound traditional solidarity between Singapore and Vietnam, and the two countries’ young officers.

Singaporean officers at the event
Vietnamese officers during the talks

“This is the ninth time that the annual exchange has been held between the two militaries so far, contributing to proving the determination and will of both sides in upholding and promoting the Vietnam - Singapore solidarity, as well as the friendship and mutual understanding between the two militaries,” Senior Colonel Tran Viet Nang went on. Via the activity, the young officers will further promote their role in information dissemination, thereby deepening the Vietnam - Singapore strategic partnership.

Delegates in a joint photo

He proposed that the two sides should disseminate information and educate young officers and people about the history and significance of Vietnam – Singapore relationship as well as the importance of promoting the bilateral strategic partnership in the current context, while sharing information to raise public awareness of the hostile forces’ pilot targeting to sabotage their relations.

Translated by Minh Anh