The delegation consisted of a defense attaché from the Singaporean Embassy in Vietnam and ten officers representing the Navy, the Air Force, and the Army of Singapore.

At the event

During the visit, the Singaporean young officers were briefed by Senior Colonel Tran Hong Que, Deputy Political Commissar of Coast Guard Region 2, on the functions and responsibilities of the Vietnam Coast Guard, as well as the development and significant achievements of Coast Guard Region 2 over the past 20 years.

According to Senior Colonel Tran Hong Que, in recent years, the unit has conducted inspections, apprehensions, and legal proceedings related to illegal trading and transportation of oil and petroleum products at sea in accordance with Vietnamese law. They have also cooperated with specialized units from the Ministry of Public Security, the Vietnam Border Guard Command, and the General Department of Customs to investigate and uncover numerous cases related to drug trafficking at sea. The unit has actively participated in the prevention and suppression of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing activities, making significant contribution to maintaining security, safety, and lawfulness in the managed sea areas.

Singaporean young officers visit the barracks.
Delegates in a joint photo

Speaking during the exchange, Colonel Benard Ng Yu Long, Defense Attaché of Singapore to Vietnam, expressed his deep appreciation for the successful enforcement of maritime law and the social welfare activities conducted by Coast Guard Region 2 recently. He also expressed gratitude to the Coast Guard Region 2 Command for the warm and hospitable reception extended to the Singaporean young officer delegation.

During the exchange session, both sides shared experience in training and enhancing the skills and capabilities of young officers. The young officers also expressed their desire for future cooperation, expecting more practical and beneficial activities and information exchange between the two sides.

Translated by Trung Thanh