The Singaporean delegation, led by Major Barry Lai, consists of 11 young officers from all branches of the Singapore Armed Forces, including the navy, army, and air force.

Both sides presenting souvenirs to each other
An overview of the event

Accompanying the delegation were Colonel Beranrd Ng, Singaporean Defense Attaché to Vietnam, and representatives from the Youth Advisory Board under the General Department of Political Affairs of the Vietnamese People’s Army, as well as troops from Air Force Regiment 929.

On the occasion, the Singaporean delegation toured the unit’s barracks, had an exchange with the Vietnamese young officers, and shared experience in training to ensure flight safety, train military pilots, and master staffed equipment and weapons, to name but a few.

The activity took place as both countries have just celebrated 50 years of establishing Vietnam - Singapore diplomatic relations (1973-2023) and 10 years of establishing the bilateral strategic partnership (2013-2023).

Translated by Minh Anh