The Singaporean delegation, led by Major Barry Lai, consists of 12 young officers from various branches of the Singapore Armed Force, including the navy, army, and air force. Accompanying the delegation were Colonel Beranrd Ng, Singaporean Defense Attaché to Vietnam, and representatives from the Vietnamese People's Army Youth Advisory Board, as well as leaders and commanders from the Military Command of Da Nang city.

Delegates from Armored Battalion 699 welcoming the Singaporean young officers

During the visit, the delegation engaged in a lively exchange and discussion with the young officers of Armored Battalion 699. Additionally, they toured the barracks, including the accommodations and training facilities of the unit, as well as the farming production areas.

This visit aimed to foster trust, enhance mutual understanding, and promote experience sharing among the young officers of the two nations' armed forces, contributing to further strengthening friendship between Vietnam and Singapore.

Scenes from the exchange event

Addressing the meeting at Armored Battalion 699, Colonel Beranrd Ng noted that Vietnam and Singapore have recently not only intensified high-level diplomatic activities but also engaged in numerous practical military exchanges to deepen mutual understanding. This initiative took place on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries (1973-2023) and the 10th anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership (2013-2023).

The Singaporean young officers visiting the unit's fish raising pond

According to the schedule, the Singaporean young officer delegation will continue their visits and exchanges with military units in Da Nang city until September 28.

Translated by Trung Thanh