This joint patrol will take place from April 27 to 29, during which the two sides will patrol 13 locations in the waters adjacent to the Gulf of Tonkin delimitation line with a distance of 255.5 nautical miles, from the Northeast of Con Co Island (Vietnam) to the Southeast of Tran Island (Vietnam).

Major General Tran Van Tho, Commander of the Coast Guard Region 1, assigns missions to the delegation.

During the patrol, the Vietnamese and Chinese coast guards will hold talks, check and monitor operations of fishing vessels of the two countries in the adjacent waters; disseminate information about law observance when fishing at sea among fishermen; and exchange experience in conducting search and rescue operation at sea.

This is the eighth joint patrol in the waters adjacent to the Gulf of Tonkin demarcation line between the coast guard forces of Vietnam and China since the Vietnam-China agreement on fishery cooperation in the Gulf of Tonkin expired on June 30, 2020.

Translated by Tran Hoai