Participating in this joint patrol were Vietnamese coast guard ships 4036, 4002, and boat 605, led by Colonel Hoang Quang Linh, Head of Flotilla 11 of the Vietnam Coast Guard Command; and Chinese ships 22603, boats 22513, 22020, 22031, headed by Colonel Ma Renhui, Deputy Director of the Guangxi provincial Department of Coast Guard, and Lieutenant Colonel Fu Zuyun, Deputy Political Commissar of the Fangchenggang municipal Coast Guard.   

An overview of the patrol

This is the first time that the coast guard forces of the two countries have organized the joint patrol in bordering waters. The two sides checked the maritime area with bustling import-export activities and good exchanges between Vietnam and China.

These area has been a flash point of such illicit practices as smuggling, trade fraud, illegal border crossings and entry via sea routes.

Starting this year, joint patrols in the bordering waters will be held by the two countries every quarter to regularly maintain security and law enforcement for people of both nations.

As the lunar New Year is coming in the two countries, the Vietnamese coast guards handed over Tet gifts from the Vietnam Coast Guard Command, including 100 Chung cakes (square sticky rice cake) and 200 pomelos, to the officials and staff of the China Coast Guard and wished them good health, happiness, and safety.

Translated by Tran Hoai