Both sides present flowers to each other at the demarcation line on the Vietnam - China border friendship bridge.

Accordingly, the two sides patrolled the Vietnam - China borderline from Marker No.29 to Marker No.71, with a total length of about 150km. During the patrol, both sides carried out law dissemination and education work and distributed 300 leaflets to local people in border areas.

Concluding the patrol, the two sides reviewed the result of patrol activities, and updated the situation on the border, evaluating that the patrol was wrapped up successfully, meeting the set requirements.

At the saluting ceremony

In the time to come, both sides agreed to coordinate in exchange of information via letters and hotlines and deal with arising issues in the fight against crimes and border management, while enhancing joint border patrol to promptly detect and prevent criminal activities, particularly illegal entry and exit, human trafficking and smuggling, to name but a few.

In addition, they will boost information dissemination related to legal regulations and policies on border protection management among border people to raise their awareness of law observance.

Translated by Quynh Oanh