During the meeting, both sides evaluated the bilateral cooperation in border management over the past time and mapped out cooperation orientation in the time ahead.

Accordingly, they strictly worked together to make recommendations to the higher levels while directing affiliated units to well implement coordination contents on ensuring security and social order along the Vietnam - Laos shared borderline signed by the two sides on December 12, 2021 in Quang Tri province, Vietnam. The cooperation contributed to enhancing and promoting the Vietnam - Laos traditional friendship and special solidarity, as well as the cooperative partnership between the two forces.

An overview of the meeting

The two units took the occasion to discuss issues related to all plots and activities of hostile forces in border areas as well as illegal border crossings.

On behalf of the Vietnamese side, Senior Colonel Vo Tien Nghi thanked the Lao side for the warm reception, hoping that both sides would try their best to boost cooperation in the time to come.

The two sides sign the minutes of the meeting.

On the occasion, they also discussed cooperation contents in the coming time, such as sharing situations in border areas; coordinating in coping with any arising issues along the shared borderline and fighting all kinds of crime; and disseminating information to raise border people’s awareness of all border regulations, protecting national border markers and landmarks, to name but a few.

Concluding the talks, Senior Colonels Vo Tien Nghi and Khamphay Khamphavong signed the event’s minutes between the Lao Office of the General Department of Public Security and the Vietnamese Department of Reconnaissance under the Vietnam Border Guard Command.

The Vietnamese mission pays a courtesy call on Lieutenant General Buavan Vongsavanthoong, Chief of the Department of Public Security under the Lao Ministry of Public Security.

In the framework of its working visit to Laos, the Vietnamese mission also paid a courtesy call on Lieutenant General Buavan Vongsavanthoong, Chief of the Department of Public Security under the Lao Ministry of Public Security.

Translated by Minh Anh