The two generals review the Guards-of-Honor of the Lao People's Army.

The talks between Senior Lieutenant General Nguyen Tan Cuong, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and Deputy Defense Minister, and his Lao counterpart Senior Lieutenant General Khamliang Outhakaysone took place right after a solemn welcome for the former hosted by the latter.

At the talks, the chief of the General Staff of the Lao People’s Army emphasized the importance of the guest’s visit to strengthen the great friendship, special solidarity, comprehensive cooperation between the two militaries in particular, and the two parties, states, and peoples in general.

Gen. Cuong thanks the host for the solemn reception since his arrival and expressed the belief that through the visit, the fine relations between the two militaries will be deepened, deserving to be a pillar of the two countries’ ties.

The two military leaders exchanged regional and international situations of common concern.

Deputy Defense Minister and Chief of the General Staff of the Lao People’s Army Khamliang Outhakaysone (left) presents flowers to his Vietnamese counterpart.

Both highlighted the bilateral defense cooperation over the past time. They applauded the authorized agencies under the two general staffs for their close coordination and effective implementation of activities in the framework of the “Vietnam - Laos, Laos - Vietnam Year of Solidarity and Friendship.” The outstanding achievements included the prompt grasping and evaluation of situations, exchange of information, effective and timely recommendations given to the leaders of the two parties and states on military and defense work; the successful organization of the first search and rescue exercise with the participation of forces from Vietnamese, Laos, and Cambodian militaries; high-level delegation exchange, enhanced cooperation between military regions, border areas, and border protection forces. Notably, outcomes were also reaped in joint patrols, strict control of borders, border gates, and open paths, effective prevention of illegal immigration, cross-border crimes, cooperation in personnel training, twinning activities, and border exchanges.

Regarding the cooperation in the time to come, the two generals agreed to continue to closely coordinate, embrace and actively and effectively realize the agreements reached by the two party, state leaders and the cooperation protocol signed by the two defense ministries in the 2020-2024 period and the cooperation plan for 2023.

An overview of the talks

In particular, they will focus on further boosting the cooperation in defensive operations, information exchange, human resources training, logistic and technical services, and defense industry. The coordination between military regions, corps, and border protection forces to protect the borderline and border markers and prevent cross-border crimes is also highlighted.

Both chiefs of the General Staff affirmed that they will keep voicing mutual support at multilateral forums in the region and the world, share information and strengthen information dissemination to raise the awareness of cadres, Party members, troops and people from all walks of life of the two countries, especially young ones, of the significance and the importance of the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states, peoples, and militaries.

Both consented to the need to jointly and resolutely fight against distorted allegations of hostile forces about the good relations between the two neighbors.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong and the Vietnamese high-ranking military delegation lay wreath at the Heroic Martyrs’ Monument.

As part of the official Lao visit, in the afternoon the same day, Sr. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Tan Cuong and the Vietnamese high-ranking military delegation laid wreath at the Heroic Martyrs’ Monument in Vientiane.

Translated by Mai Huong