During the reception, General Phan Van Giang congratulated Mr. Sandeep Arya on his appointment as Indian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Vietnam, believing that the new ambassador will make all-out efforts to boost Vietnam-India cooperation in various fields, especially defense ties.

Defense Minister General Phan Van Giang receives Mr. Sandeep Arya.

Gen. Giang also underlined that Vietnam and India have a long-lasting traditional and flourishing friendship that has been nurtured and consolidated by generations of leaders and people of the two countries. Vietnam attaches importance to comprehensive relations with India and considers India as a reliable and close friend of Vietnam.

On the basis of good cooperation relationships and mutual political trust, Vietnam-India defense cooperation is seen as an essential pillar in the two countries’ cooperation relations, the Vietnamese defense minister added.

Presenting souvenir to Ambassador Sandeep Arya

Meanwhile, Gen. Giang required the Indian ambassador to pay more attention to pushing up defense cooperation in an effective and practical manner, meeting the expectations of people in the two countries, contributing to deepening the ties between the two countries and two militaries.

Delegates in a joint photo

For his part, Mr. Sandeep Arya thanked General Phan Van Giang for his warm welcome, expressing his delight at the strong growth of the India-Vietnam comprehensive strategic partnership over the past time.

The Indian ambassador affirmed that he would try his best to further boost the bilateral ties in general and defense cooperation in particular between the two counties.

Translated by Quynh Oanh