As planned, the Vietnamese mission, which is led by Deputy Political Commissar of the Vietnam Naval Academy Senior Captain Bui Duy Thong, will pay a courtesy call on leaders of the Singaporean Navy; attend forums and exchanges of young naval officers of the two countries; hold banquet on the ship, hold sports exchanges with officers of the Singaporean Navy; visit local historical and cultural relic sites. 

Members of the mission bid farewell to the mainland.

During the voyage, Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don’s crew-members will conduct sea training to enhance abilities to master weapons and equipment and handle actual circumstances at sea for senior naval cadets before their graduation as well as to grasp the situation at sea. 

According to President of Vietnam Naval Academy Rear Admiral Nguyen Van Lam, this is the fifth time that Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don and the academy’s mission have visited and had exchange with regional navies and conducted sea training.

Sailing Vessel 286 - Le Quy Don and the mission depart for the visit and exchange with the Singaporean Navy.

Taking place in the time when Vietnam and Singapore are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of their strategic partnership, the trip is expected to strengthen the relationship, cooperation, mutual understanding and trust between the two militaries and navies; enhance their coordination in responding to common maritime security challenges, contributing to regional peace, stability, cooperation, and development.

Officers of the Vietnam Naval Academy see off the mission.

Rear Admiral Nguyen Van Lam added that the voyage also offers an opportunity to the academy’s cadres and cadets to raise their stance, capabilities, and skills to grasp situations and handle circumstances at sea, contributing to enhancing its training quality to meet task requirements in the new situation. 

Translated by Tran Hoai