In the cozy and friendly atmosphere, the delegation of the provincial military command wished troops of Cambodia’s units good health, happiness, and success.

Sr. Col. Trach Thanh Tu (left) congratulates the Cambodian side on the traditional festival.


On the occasion, the two sides exchanged information related to socio-economic development, defense and security situation, and outcomes of the implementation of military and defense missions in each country over the past time.

The guest thanked Cambodia’s localities, armed forces, and people for creating favorable conditions for Team K93 (in charge of searching, collecting, and repatriating remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and military advisors) to fulfill its assigned missions and hoped that in the coming time the two sides will continue their coordination in following situational development, exchanging information, maintaining stability in border areas, and strengthening the special solidarity between An Giang’s armed forces and Cambodia’s units.

Within the working trip, the delegation of the An Giang provincial Military Command visited and encouraged Team K93’s members who are performing missions in Cambodian’s Kampong Speu province.

Also on the occasion of the Chol Chnam Thmay festival, on April 12, Division 330 of Military Region 9 sent a delegation to visit and congratulate the Khmer people on the special occasion and present gifts to pagodas in the locality where it is stationed. 

During the visit, the head of the delegation wished monks, Buddhist followers, and Khmer people a peaceful, joyful, cozy, united, happy, and successful festival and hoped that they would continue to uphold their long-standing traditions, patriotism, unity, determination, self-reliance, dynamism, and creativity and contribute to agencies, sectors, and local authorities' efforts in completing socio-economic development goals and ensuring defense, security, and social order and safety.

The mission of Division 330 visits pagodas in the locality.

Representatives of pagodas thanked Division 330’s Party Committee and Chain-of-Command and troops for their care for the Khmer people and affirmed that monks would strictly observe the Party’s guidelines and State’s policies and law and enhance production to raise their material and spiritual life, contributing to local socio-economic development, national cultural identity preservation, and unity consolidation. 

Translated by Tran Hoai