Accordingly, the delegation carried out a comprehensive assessment in all aspects, including regularity building, combat operations, logistics supplies, communication maintenance, training, and the capability in task performance.

The delegation of UNISFA works with Vietnam’s Engineering Company Rotation 2.

Lieutenant Colonel D.M. Istifanus, Head of the Department of Staff and Planning of the UNISFA and head of the delegation, praised the Vietnamese engineering company’s preparations for the assessment and capacity in task performance and implementation of other activities beyond UNISFA’s requirements, especially humanitarian assistance. These activities have contributed to strengthening the trust of local people in the U.N. peacekeeping force in Abyei.

According to Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung, Chief of the Vietnam’s Engineering Company Rotation 2, this was an occasion for the company’s Commanding Officer to have an overview of the shortcomings in task implementation, thereby promptly providing practical solutions to ensure successful completion of UNISFA's requirements.

Some photos of the working session

On the occasion, the Vietnamese Engineering Company Rotation 2 made several proposals to the mission, focusing on adjusting requirements on the contents, progress and time for implementation of the Mission’s functional departments. Meanwhile, the company proposed to increase the number of Vietnamese officers at UNISFA so that they could meet task requirements in the best way.

In the first six months of 2024, Vietnam’s Engineering Company Rotation 2 successfully completed all assigned missions, including the construction of the smart barracks at Highway Base, Rumanier, Diffra, Athony, Agok and UNISFA Headquarters and renovated, upgraded and repaired main traffic routes and patrol routes in sub-divisions, among others.

Military-civilian activities were conducted in an effective manner, such as providing clean water for people, building and repairing schools and trawlers, collecting rubbish in Goli, building roads, visiting and presenting gifts to local authorities and people, and helping locals cultivate vegetables, to name but a few.

Translated by Quynh Oanh