The event was co-chaired by Brigadier General Ameer Muhammad Umrani, Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNISFA, and Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army and head of the inter-sectoral working group for Vietnam’s participation in U.N. peacekeeping operations.

Brigadier General Ameer Muhammad Umrani, Acting Head of Mission and Force Commander of UNISFA, speaks at the event.

In his remarks, Brigadier General Ameer Muhammad Umrani underscored that the Vietnamese peacekeepers and their contribution to the community were highly appreciated. Since its deployment, Vietnam’s Engineering Company Rotation 2 has played an important role in maintaining peace and stability in the region. Their tireless efforts have not only contributed to building and maintaining essential infrastructure but also brought hope for a brighter future to local people, Ameer Muhammad Umrani said.

For his part, Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son affirmed that over the past 70 years, the U.N. peacekeeping operations have played an important role in preventing war and resolving post-conflicts in many parts of the world. Vietnam is proud to make contribution to the cause.

Lieutenant General Pham Truong Son, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army

Vietnam joined U.N. peacekeeping operations in May, 2014. To date, the country has deployed 125 military and police officers in individual form to work at UNMISS, MINUSCA, UNISFA and U.N. headquarters. Vietnam has deployed five level-2 hospitals to UNMISS and two engineering companies to Abyei. Its efforts have proved that Vietnam is a responsible member of the U.N., contributing to the common efforts for peace, stability and a prosperous and happy life for people all over the world, including those in Abyei.

Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son presenting the medals “For U.N. peacekeeping cause” to members of Vietnam's Engineering Company Rotation 2

On behalf of Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense, Lt. Gen. Pham Truong Son praised the encouraging outcomes obtained by the Engineering Company Rotation 2 and Vietnamese peacekeepers in UNISFA, hoping that the Vietnamese peacekeeping force would uphold obtained achievements to better fulfill the noble duty assigned by the Party, State, military and people, meeting the U.N.’s requirements in the time to come.

Delegates posing for a joint photo at the ceremony

On the same day, Gen. Son and the delegation visited Pakistan Infantry Battalion at the UNISFA.

Reported by Ngoc Hung (from UNISFA)

Translated by Quynh Oanh