Two-star General Víctor Rojo Ramos, Chief of the Political Directorate of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, joined the delegation. 

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet speaks at the Mobile Commando Brigade of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba.

During the visit, the delegation was briefed on the unit’s traditions and watched a demonstration of commando techniques and tactics featuring hundreds of officers and soldiers, along with various military vehicles. Commander of the Commando Corps of Cuba Noel Ochoa informed Gen. Quyet and the political delegation of the Vietnam People’s Army on the achievements in training and combat readiness of the Cuban commando force in general and the Mobile Commando Brigade in particular over the past time. Notably, in nearly 40 years of establishment, combat, and development (1987-2024), the brigade has been honored with numerous prestigious awards from the Party, the State, and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet presents gifts to the Mobile Commando Brigade.

The head of the Vietnamese delegation congratulated the brigade on its achievements and expressed hope that the unit would continue to uphold and promote its traditions, prioritize political and ideological education, build solidarity among officers and soldiers, overcome difficulties, maintain high revolutionary vigilance, and enhance the quality of training and combat readiness to successfully complete tasks assigned by the Party, State, and people. 

Earlier on the afternoon of October 7 (local time), Gen. Quyet and members of the Vietnamese delegation offered flower at the President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Havana. 

The Vietnamese GDP’s Chief then presented gifts to the Cuba-Vietnam Friendship Association and representatives of students from the Acapulco neighborhood in Havana.

On this occasion, Gen. Quyet and the delegation visited and presented gifts to families of martyrs and Cuban veterans who fought in Vietnam, as well as medical experts from Cuba who had supported Vietnam in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet talking to Cuban veterans
Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet presents gifts to medical experts, who had supported Vietnam in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

Representatives of the families of martyrs and veterans expressed deep gratitude to the Party, State, military, and people of Vietnam, particularly to Sr. Lt. Gen. Trinh Van Quyet and the high-ranking political delegation, for visiting, presenting gifts, and encouraging them to uphold their glorious traditions, strive for better living conditions, and contribute to building the country. They affirmed their commitment to effectively educating their children to preserve and enhance the traditional friendship between the two countries and peoples of Cuba and Vietnam.

In the evening of October 7, Gen. Quyet and the Vietnamese delegation visited the Vietnam Embassy in Cuba.

Reported by Quang Thang (from Havana, Cuba)

Translated by Tran Hoai