At the event, the Vietnamese delegation, led by Political Commissar of the Son La provincial Border Guard Command Senior Colonel Ca Van Lap, handed over a total of 2.1 tons of rice to the mission of the Huaphanh provincial Military Command, led by Colonel Phansi Xonmixay, and representatives of its Companies 211, 212, 213. Company 214 will receive rice at Long Sap Border Gate. 

At the event

The rice presentation was part of the activities to actualize the memorandum of understanding between Vietnam’s Son La provincial Border Guard Command and Laos’ Huaphanh provincial Military Command. It also aimed to strengthen the fine relationship between the two countries in general and the Son La provincial Border Guard Command and the Huaphanh provincial Military Command in particular; help Laos’ border guard units to ensure adequate logistics for border security and safety maintenance mission. 

Speaking at the event, Lao Colonel Phansi Xonmixay thanked the Son La provincial Border Guard Command for the practical gifts and affirmed that the rice hold both material and spiritual values.

Troops of the Border Post of Chieng Khuong Border Post assist Lao officers in transporting rice.

The Political Commissar of the Huaphanh provincial Military Command stressed that in the coming time the unit will closely collaborate with the Son La provincial Border Guard Command to actualize cooperation contents in managing and protecting sovereignty and border security, maintaining peace in border areas, combating crime, and preventing illegal border exit and entry, thus building a borderline of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation, and development and strengthening the traditional solidarity and special friendship between Vietnam and Laos. 

Translated by Tran Hoai