Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan evaluated that the cooperation between the two militaries has been promoted in a practical and effective manner in various areas such as delegation exchanges, training, and exchange of experts. Since the beginning of this year, both sides have collaborated in numerous significant activities, notably the freshly-ended first Vietnam-Laos-Cambodia Border Defense Friendship Exchange.

An overview of the reception

In turn, Major General Bountien Xaiyamvongthanh briefed Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan on the outcomes of the past cooperation between Department 49 of the General Staff of the Lao People's Army and the Commando Corps of the Vietnam People's Army. They have concentrated on such areas as sharing of specialized experiences, training, exchange of experts, and mutual support.

Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan (right) presents a souvenir to Major General Bountien Xaiyamvongthanh.
Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan, Major General Bountien Xaiyamvongthanh, and other delegates at the reception

Speaking highly of the cooperation outcomes, Senior Lieutenant General Phung Si Tan proposed further enhancement of cooperation and experience sharing in training human resources and building highly skilled cadres. He affirmed that the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army consistently support and create favorable conditions for agencies and units to strengthen cooperation, contributing to deepening the bilateral defense collaboration.

Translated by Trung Thanh