Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Deputy Defense Minister led the Vietnamese military delegation, while the Lao military delegation was headed by Lao Deputy Defense Minister Lieutenant General Vongkham Phommakone, and General Eth Sarath, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and Chief of Joint Staff, attended the inspection.

General Chien talking with local people during the inspection

Accordingly, the delegations checked the preparation for the upcoming exchange in some areas such as border junction marker area; area for the joint military medical exercise at a toll station intersection of Bo Y International Border Gate; inauguration ceremony of Ta Ka village Cultural House (a friendship project in Vietnam); Be Van Dan Primary School; and Phuong Hoang (Phoenix) Airport.

Heads of the three delegations inspect exchange activities at the border junction marker area.
Visiting Be Van Dan Primary School
Reviewing activities at Ta Ka village Cultural House
Inspecting Phuong Hoang (Phoenix) Airport

After that, General Chien chaired a meeting to conclude the inspection. Addressing the event, he affirmed that the first Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia Border Defense Friendship Exchange plays an important role in military, defense and political affairs, contributing to tightening the solidarity, friendship and cooperation among the three militaries, as well as the three border protection forces, local authorities, and peoples.

He also acknowledged the close coordination among the functional forces of the three defense ministries, and local authorities of Kon Tum province over the past time, hoping to further boost the ties to successfully organize the exchange.

General Chien chairs a meeting to review contents related to the exchange.

At the meeting, three sides agreed on the plans of exchange activities. They were determined to successfully conduct the friendship exchange. The representative of the Cambodian Defense Ministry also thanked the Vietnamese side for making thorough preparations for the event while actively supporting the Lao and Cambodian side in this event.

For his part, the Lao defense leader underscored the importance and meaning of the exchange of the three participating countries. The inspection also showed the considerable efforts of three defense ministries, especially Vietnam’s one, in the event.

Translated by Minh Anh