The organization of courses for officers and instructors of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and the Lao People’s Army showed the commitment and international cooperation agreement in training between Vietnam and Laos and in military and defense between Vietnam and Cambodia, thereby enhancing the mutual understanding and trust, as well as the building and development of friendship, solidarity, and trust among three countries, contributing to ensuring peace and security in the region and in the world.

Major General Ngo Trong Cuong speaking at the event

During the two courses, the trainees will be updated with the traditions of Vietnam - Laos - Cambodia solidarity, political culture, and the history of Vietnam’s military art.

Also, the trainees will study the international and regional situations affecting defense and security in the first years of the 21st century; strategies of some major countries related to defense and regional security; developments in offensive operations of some countries’ militaries; and building and development of defense industry, defensive areas, and strategic defense operations in national protection.

An overview of the event

In addition, the Lao and Cambodian officers will have a chance to visit several historical and cultural sites in Vietnam, and others.

For the short-term command and staff training course for operational and strategic-level instructors of the Lao People’s Army, during the three months, Lao trainees will study general knowledge about military social sciences and humanities, defense and security, local military and operation art, services and arms, teaching theory, application of information technology to lesson preparation, and more.

Delegates and trainees at the event

According to Major General Ngo Trong Cuong, Deputy Director of the NDA, during the courses at the academy over the past time, the Lao and Cambodian trainees have been provided with basic and intensive knowledge, thereby contributing to broadening their knowledge, thinking ability and leadership, meeting the task requirement of building the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and the Lao People’s Army in the new context.

Translated by Quynh Oanh