At the meeting on March 29, General Luong inquired after and expressed his respect for good deeds that the school’s teachers have done for their students.

On the occasion of the Cambodians’ traditional Chol Chnam Thmay New Year festival, General Luong wished the teachers and students good health and happiness. He also expressed sympathy for overseas Vietnamese in Tonlé Sap and the school’s staff and students in their difficulties.

Lieutenant General Vo Minh Luong (first right) gifting local authorities, teachers of the school

For his part, the school’s headmaster Tran Van Tu thanked the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense in general and Military Region in particular for their support in building the school which was operational in 2011.

The headmaster held that the school has admitted more students in recent years and underscored that the school’s teachers and students always exert all-out efforts to further study and lead a better life.

According to Tu, overseas Vietnamese in Cambodia always heighten their solidarity and mutual support, strictly observe local laws and live friendly with Cambodian people while preserving Vietnam’s cultural identities and customs.

On this occasion, the Military Region 7 Commander presented gifts to local authorities and the school’s teachers; books, notebooks and other learning tools to the school’s students and New Year gifts to 265 students’ families.

Tonlé Sap is the biggest fresh water lake in the Southeast Asia region and the first biosphere reserve in Cambodia recognized by the UNESCO in 1997. Most people living in Tonlé Sap are Vietnamese people, who pursue their traditional livelihood of fishing.

Translated by Mai Huong