Since there are numerous important activities planned to be organized in Lao Cai city, the military and police forces have actively worked with local authorities to review the preparations and accelerate measures to ensure security and safety in all aspects.

Fully aware of the significance of this event and the Ministry of National Defense (MND)’s guidelines, the Lao Cai provincial People’s Committee and military and police forces have actively collaborated with relevant units to promptly build plans and scenarios to ensure the program’s solemnity and significance. Of the units, the Lao Cai provincial Border Guard Command plays a significant role in carrying out the preparation work and directly participating in all activities of the exchange.

Troops of the Lao Cai provincial Border Guard Command cooperate with the police force to ensure security and order in Lao Cai city. 

According to Commanding Officer of the Lao Cai provincial Border Guard Command Senior Colonel Nguyen Phi Khanh, right after receiving higher levels’ plan, the unit promptly and actively advised the provincial People's Committee and Lao Cai city People's Committee to issue the plan and closely coordinated with relevant agencies of the MND, the Vietnam Border Guard Command, departments, sectors, and local authorities to implement the assigned tasks. The provincial border guard command selected competent officers for training forces and carrying out protection, navigation, and patrol missions.

The decorations for locations where the Vietnamese and Chinese Ministers of Defense will visit and work within the framework of the exchange program have been completed, ensuring aesthetics, solemnity, and adherence to diplomatic etiquette. Despite the harsh weather conditions, border guards and workers are diligently working to accelerate the progress of the construction of exchange-serving facilities at Lao Cai International Border Gate.

Together with making the most of forces from the Border Post of Lao Cai International Border Gate, the Lao Cai provincial Border Guard Command has mobilized officers and soldiers from its affiliated units for embellishing the border gate and barracks and maintaining security and order in the area.

Roads and venues where the activities within the exchange will take place are decorated with colorful flags and banners. Secretary of the Lao Cai provincial Party Committee Dang Xuan Phong said that being selected to be the location for the program’s activities is an honor and responsibility for the province's Party Organization, authorities, and people of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai. Over the past time, Lao Cai has enhanced dissemination of the exchange on different channels and mobilized ethnic minority people in border villages to prepare for the welcome and farewell ceremonies at the Lao Cai International Border Gate. Also they have got ready for the reception of delegates at Kim Dong Primary School (Coc Leu Ward, Lao Cai city) and the ground-breaking for the construction of the Vietnam-China Friendship Cultural Center in Ban Phiet hamlet, Ban Phiet commune, Bao Thang district, Lao Cai province.

Notably, to ensure absolute safety for the delegates participating in the exchange activities in Lao Cai province, the MND has directed relevant units to develop specific plans and pro-actively follow situational developments and closely coordinate with the local military and police forces and functional agencies to implement combat readiness plans and apply measures to prevent crimes, thus ensuring political security, social order, and safety in the province.

As one of the units having the honor to welcome defense ministers of the two countries, the Border Post of Lao Cai International Border Gate has planned various measures to handle possible issues to ensure security and safety during the event.

Head of the Border Post of Lao Cai International Border Gate Lieutenant Colonel Bui Hong Ha said that the unit’s Party Committee and Chain-of-Command have fostered dissemination and education to enhance officers and soldiers’ awareness of the significance and importance of this activity and the unit’s great honor and heavy responsibility. Thanks to the determination to overcome all difficulties of all troops, the unit has basically completed the preparation for the upcoming event. It has pro-actively coordinated with relevant agencies to handle possible issues to ensure the success of the visit.

Source: Baobienphong

Translated by Tran Hoai