The mission was accompanied by representatives of the province’s leadership, agencies and units stationed in the locality, and Chinese Defense Attaché Office in Vietnam.

Gen. Chien led the mission to directly check some host venues, including Lao Cai International Border Gate, the Vietnam - China border friendship cultural house, the Border Post of Lao Cai International Border Gate, Lao Cai provincial Convention Center, and Kim Dong Primary School.

At a meeting held after the checking tour, Gen. Chien emphasized the significance and importance of the exchange which is scheduled to take place in Vietnam’s Lao Cai province and China’s Yunnan province in April this year.

The deputy defense minister highly praised relevant agencies and units for their close coordination with Lao Cai province to make thorough preparations for this eighth edition.

He asked them to continue to promote the sense of responsibility, complete the exchange’s contents, and other preparation in terms of health, protocol, decoration, security and safety of the event and information dissemination to ensure the exchange to take place as planned and to be a success.

Below are photos of the delegation's activities. 

Gen. Chien talks to the mission about the preparation for the exchange at Lao Cai International Border Gate.
Gen. Chien directs the preparation at the Border Post of Lao Cai International Border Gate.
The mission in the checking visit to Kim Dong Primary School in Lao Cai city
Gen. Chien checks the Vietnam-China border friendship cultural house in Ban Phiet commune, Bao Thang district.
Gen. Chien and Lao Cai leader chair a meeting on the preparation for the exchange.

Translated by Mai Huong