Addressing the event, General Chien requested functional organs and units to carefully check the organization of the exchange, and overcome all difficulties so as to ensure the success of the upcoming program.

Deputy Defense Minister Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien speaks at the meeting.

Reportedly, Deputy Director of the Vietnam Ministry of National Defense’s Department of Foreign Relations Senior Colonel Dang Thanh Minh noted that the 8th Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange is scheduled to take place in Lao Cai province, Vietnam, and Yunnan province, China in April this year.

As scheduled, exchange activities in Vietnam consist of ten main events, especially a Gala in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange (2014 - 2024). Meanwhile, the Chinese side will also organize 10 main events, including visiting primary schools in the border areas of both countries and an art performance.

Concluding the meeting, General Chien affirmed the dissemination and education work about the importance of the exchange. Therefore, relevant units should consider it a key political task to build plans and work with other functional forces to organize the upcoming exchange with absolute safety.

An overview of the event

The 8th Vietnam - China Border Defense Friendship Exchange is an important foreign activity between the two defense ministries in 2024, promoting solidarity and friendship, and bolstering cooperation between the two border protection forces, contributing to building the Vietnam - China shared borderline of peace, stability, cooperation and development.

The border defense friendship exchange also contributes to concretizing the “Joint statement on continuing deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and building a Vietnam - China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance,” reached during Chinese Party General Secretary and State President Xi Jinping’s State visit to Vietnam last December.

Translated by Minh Anh