Together we move forward!”

A ceremony in celebration of the 78th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day (September 2) was held solemnly at the UNISFA, leaving good impressions about the Vietnamese country and peace-loving people who are always willing to join international service. Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, Force Commander and Acting Head of the UNISFA, congratulated the Vietnamese side on this special occasion. Meanwhile, 250 international guests from the UNISFA and local authorities also joined the ceremony.

Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung, Commanding Officer of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force at the UNISFA, welcoming Major General Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr, Force Commander and Acting Head of the UNISFA

A solemn flag-saluting kicked off the ceremony. Members of the Engineering Company Rotation 2 felt moved as this was their first time to join such a ceremony. Senior Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung, Commanding Officer of the Vietnamese peacekeeping force at the UNISFA, underscored that Vietnam always supports and strives for peace, equal relations, and prosperity in the region and the world, according to President Ho Chi Minh’s thought. During more than a year working at UNISFA, Vietnamese officers and soldiers have closely worked with the mission to help Abyei become better and raise local people’s living standards while bringing better education to children here.

Major General Sawyerr affirmed that this was a special ceremony on the National Day of a heroic country overcoming a prolonged journey of striving for national liberation and peace. “We need the help of everyone for peace, stability, and property of Abyei. The UNISFA’s leaders and I are ready to make the aspiration come true. Vietnam had a passionate journey and the UNISFA is proud to be Vietnam’s partner. We, together, move forward,” he outlined.

Leaders of the Engineering Company Rotation 2 and international guests cutting cake to celebrate Vietnam's National Day

The international guests and friends also took the occasion to experience Vietnamese dishes made by the Vietnamese peacekeepers and enjoyed an artistic performance, contributing to boosting international solidarity and friendship.

Flag-saluting ceremony held in EUTM RCA

The EUTM RCA also organized a flag-saluting ceremony to mark the Vietnam’s National Day, drawing the attendance of its leaders and staff. EUTM RCA’s Chief of Staff, Colonel Miguel Sanchez de Toca Alameda delivered a speech at the event, underscoring the importance of Vietnam’s participation in the EUTM RCA. This was a special milestone proving the sound partnership between Vietnam and the E.U. for peace, stability, and sustainable development.

Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien speaking at the ceremony 

According to Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien, Head of the Vietnamese Working Team at the EUTM RCA, the Vietnamese national flag was hung on the flagpole at the mission’s headquarters, next to the host Central African Republic’s flag on September 2. The custom is conducted to celebrate the national day of the country participating in the mission and, at the same time, honor their contribution to the development of the Central African Republic’s armed forces.

The flag-saluting is held solemnly during the event.

On the occasion, Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien was honored with the Central African Republic’s medal for her contribution to the development of the host country, while Major Le Nhu Tien, training officer at the mission, also received a medal from the EUTM RCA. She shared her sentiments on the occasion, adding that Vietnam is the only Asian country participating in the EUTM RCA, so its contribution is highly appreciated and respected.

She took the occasion to introduce to international participants about the Vietnamese national day, country, and people, as well as its cause of national construction and development over the past 78 years. She also expressed her pride of being the very first Vietnamese officer to join the EUTM RCA, implementing Vietnam’s commitment to the E.U.’s Framework Participation Agreement and contributing to peace, cooperation, and development for the region and the world.

International friends during the event

The Vietnam Working Team at the EUTM RCA held a banquet for international guests and friends, hoping that the activities would help promote exchange, mutual understanding, friendship, and solidarity between Vietnam and participating countries at the EUTM RCA Mission.

Translated by Minh Anh