During the visit, General Luong Cuong received Vongsanvane Thepphachanh, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Council of Luang Prabang. He affirmed that over the past time, the Vietnam-Laos relationship has been developed effectively. The two State leaders both agreed to treasure, preserve and cultivate the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states, militaries and peoples in any circumstances.

General Luong Cuong (R) and Mr. Vongsanvane Thepphachanh

The Vietnamese GDP chief held that Luang Prabang in particular and Lao Northern provinces in general, together with Vietnamese northwestern provinces, especially Dien Bien and Son La, have witnessed important events of both countries and peoples. They also stood side by side in the cause of national liberation in the past and help each other in the cause of national construction and defense in the current context.

General Luong Cuong presenting gift to Mr. Vongsanvane Thepphachanh
Mr. Vongsanvane Thepphachanh handing over gift to General Luong Cuong

Besides, General Luong Cuong acknowledged sound cooperation between Luang Prabang province and Vietnamese localities, hailing their great efforts in border protection. In addition, military units of the two sides maintained cooperation mechanism such as annual conference, information exchange, coordination to address arising issues in the border areas and in the fight against cross-border crimes.

The Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense and VPA always support and create favorable conditions for its military units to closely coordinate with Lao localities, hoping that Luang Prabang province would continue to boost cooperation in building the Vietnam-Laos borderline of peace, stability, development and prosperity, contributing to spreading the spirit of friendship, solidarity and faithfulness between the two countries and peoples, added General Luong Cuong.

Leaders of the Luang Prabang provincial Military Command welcoming the Vietnamese delegation

In Luang Prabang, General Luong Cuong visited leaders of the provincial Military Command and was briefed on the results of the Vietnam-Laos Young Officers Exchange. He was impressed by the long traditions and development of the unit throughout the history.

General Luong Cuong presenting gift to the Luang Prabang provincial Military Command

Expressing his delight at the coordination of the Lao province with the Vietnamese Dien Bien and Son La provincial Military Commands, General Luong Cuong hailed achievements of the units over the past time.

Delegates in a joint photo

He affirmed that the Vietnamese GDP always creates favorable conditions for the effective and comprehensive cooperation between the Luang Prabang provincial Military Command and Vietnamese military units, including Military Region 2. He also expressed his belief that both sides would continue to boost exchange and share experience in implementing Party and political work in the military, enhance political stance for troops, especially the youths.

Translated by Minh Anh