PANO – Within the framework of the “Peace and Friendship - 2023” exercise in China’s Zhanjiang, the delegation of Frigate 016-Quang Trung led by Deputy Chief of Staff of Naval Region 4 Senior Captain Nguyen Van Ngan carried out various activities at wharf from November 11 to 20.

In particular, the frigate’s crew-members participated in ship control simulation training; protection of ship’s vitality; practice of giving first aid to wounded soldiers; operating helicopter deck equipment; anti-piracy; communication check between ships; table-top exercise; cultural and sports exchanges.

Activities between Frigate 016-Quang Trung’s crew-members and their Chinese peers were effectively organized and highly appreciated by the two sides’ navies. The outcomes demonstrated the Vietnamese naval troops’ readiness to cooperate with other navies to deal with maritime security issues and acquire valuable experience to apply to their future task implementation.

In addition, Frigate 016-Quang Trung’s crew-members strictly observed guard duties, ensured smooth communication, and well conducted security protection.

Reported by Van Duyen (from Zhanjiang, China)

Translated by Tran Hoai