The ceremony was chaired by EUTM RCA’s Commanding Officer Major General Tonea Banlan Cornel and attended by its Chief of Staff Colonel Santamaria Ballabriga Jorge, officers, and staff.

An overview of the flag-saluting ceremony

Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien briefed international colleagues and friends on the establishment, construction, and strong development of the VPA over the past nearly eight decades. She expressed the honor that Vietnam for the first time sent officers to EUTM RCA to promote the implementation of the agreement between Vietnam and the E.U. on establishing a framework for Vietnam to participate in the E.U.’s crisis management activities - Framework Participation Agreement (FPA), contributing to boosting peace, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

Major General Tonea Banlan Cornel congratulates Vietnamese officers on the VPA’s founding anniversary.

At the event, EUTM RCA’s Commanding Officer Major General Tonea Banlan Cornel delivered a speech to congratulate Vietnamese officers on the VPA’s founding anniversary and emphasized the role and significance of Vietnam’s sending officers to EUTM RCA. He credited it as a special milestone in the fine cooperative relationship between Vietnam and the E.U. for peace, stability, and sustainable development.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien, the working group of EUTM RCA has made a video, in which her international colleagues at EUTM RCA and she sent best wishes to the VPA on its 79th founding anniversary.

Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien speaks at the event.
An overview of the event
Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien and her colleagues

One year ago on December 22, Lieutenant Colonel Vu Thi Lien and Major Le Nhu Tien left Vietnam to undertake mission at the mission in Central Africa. Over the past year, apart from joining their international colleagues’ efforts in training, the two officers of the VPA have worked as liaison officers to contact the Central African Armed Forces and other forces to conduct training courses.

Translated by Tran Hoai