During the inspection

The mission inspected the area which is scheduled to host activities within the expo and attended a meeting during which they were reported on the development of the expo project.

Addressing the meeting, Gen. Chien urged relevant units to exert all-out efforts to complete the preparations for the second edition after the first successful one.

He noted that the expo plan should be built based on the lessons learned, strength achieved, and fixed shortcomings of the first edition and of other expos hosted by foreign countries.

Gen. Chien speaks at the meeting.

The deputy defense minister underlined that the expo will be a highlight in popularizing Vietnam’s potential and capability in terms of technology, weapons and equipment produced by the Vietnamese defense industry sector among international friends and domestic people. It will also be a chance for the country to expand its international partnership, strengthen defense diplomacy, and build trust with other countries in the world.

The Vietnam International Defense Expo 2024 is planned to take place in December 2024 on the occasion of the 80th founding anniversary of the Vietnam People’s Army. During the expo, there will be performances of air defense and commando forces, display of the Vietnamese defense industry sector-manufactured and researched materiel, world’s leading defense industry groups-produced weapons, seminars, bilateral contacts, and more.

Delegates reported on the building of the expo project

The first edition in 2022 attracted the participation of more than 170 defense industry enterprises from 31 countries and territories worldwide. The second edition is expected to be held on a larger scale with some 250 booths showcasing products of 50 countries and territories in the world.

Regarding the Expo 2024, Gen. Chien underlined the need to increase the quantity of foreign weapons, new and hi-tech ones. He also asked for organization of more activities on the sidelines of the expo, particularly cultural, sports exchanges among forces to help international friends learn more about Vietnam, its culture, and people.

Translated by Mai Huong