The visit took place on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam-Cambodia diplomatic ties (June 24, 1967 - 2022).

Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia (fourth from right) hands over congratulation flowers of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense to the Cambodian Embassy and the Cambodian military attaché office in Vietnam.

On behalf of leaders of the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense and the General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army, Lieutenant General Nguyen Van Nghia sent his best wishes to Cambodian Ambassador to Vietnam Chay Navuth, the Cambodian military attaché and staff of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia in Hanoi.

He affirmed that Vietnam always treasures the support and cooperation of Cambodia during the national struggle for liberation and reunification previously and the national construction and defense cause currently.

He believed that under the leadership of Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Cambodian Government and Royal Armed Forces will continuously gain more remarkable achievements, complete targets of the ASEAN 2022 Chair, and successfully organize relevant military-defense activities, contributing to heightening the country’s position in the regional and global arena.

The Vietnamese defense leader hoped that the Cambodian ambassador and the millitary attaché will continue to closely collaborate with functional agencies of the two sides to organize cooperative activities in the time to come, contributing to the success of the “Vietnam - Cambodia, Cambodia - Vietnam Friendship Year 2022” and deepening the bilateral relations between the two countries and two militaries.

For his part, Ambassador Chay Navuth reaffirmed that the good neighborhood and traditional friendship between Vietnam and Cambodia have been increasingly enhanced in all  aspects, including the bilateral defense ties, over the past 55 years.

He underlined that the two defense ministries have collaborated well to organize important events such as the first Vietnam-Cambodia Border Defense Friendship Exchange and the 45th anniversary of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen’s journey to overthrowing the Pol Pot genocidal regime.

The Cambodian diplomat hoped to receive more support from the Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense to well organize military-defense meetings within the framework of Cambodia’s ASEAN Chairmanship in 2022.

Translated by Trung Thanh