In his remarks, Nguyen Luu Trung expressed sincere gratitude for the profound friendship and valuable assistance provided by the authorities, armed forces, and people of these Cambodian provinces. Their efforts in providing information and assisting Team K92 in the search and gathering of martyrs' remains have been indispensable.

At the signing event

Since the implementation of the agreement between the Government of Vietnam and the Royal Government of Cambodia, Team K92 (under the Kien Giang provincial Military Command) has successfully searched for and collected the remains of 2,132 martyrs. In the 2023-2024 dry season alone, Team K92 found and repatriated 27 sets of remains.

The representative of the Cambodian side affirmed their continued support and cooperation in the search efforts and the provision of information to help fulfill the joint mission.

The Cambodian official also expressed their gratitude to the Party, State, Government, armed forces, and people of Vietnam for their brave sacrifices, helping the Cambodian people overthrow the Pol Pot genocidal regime, liberate the nation, and rebuild the country.

During the ceremonies, the Kien Giang provincial specialized committee signed agreements with their Cambodian counterparts on the search, collection, and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts who died in various wartime periods in Cambodia, during the 2024-2025 dry season.

Translated by Song Anh