The event was attended by Head of the Military Youth Advisory Board Senior Colonel Tran Viet Nang, head of the Cambodian delegation Lieutenant Colonel Heang Chhaymeng, and representatives of Ba Son Corporation.

Young Cambodian officers in an exchange at Ba Son Corporation 

During the exchange, young Cambodian officers were briefed on the business’s history, tradition, achievements, and experience in conducting youth work. The two sides exchanged their experience in organizing youth activities at their units.

President of Ba Son Corporation Senior Colonel Phan Van Binh recalled that 35 years ago, Ba Son Corporation ensured technical services for naval units and sent working missions to conduct international duties in Cambodia.

On behalf of the corporation’s leaders, Senor Colonel Phan Van Binh presented souvenirs to members of the Cambodian delegation.

Delegates in a joint photo

After the meeting, delegates visited Ba Son Corporation’s production chain and attended a joyful and cozy exchange. Members of the delegations enthusiastically performed folk dances and sang songs in praise of the friendship between the two countries. 

Translated by Tran Hoai