This announcement was affirmed by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Vietnam Khamphao Ernthvanh during her interview with a reporter of the People’s Army Newspaper.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People's Democratic Republic in Vietnam Khamphao Ernthvanh in an interview with a reporter of People’s Army Newspaper

Sharing her opinion about the statement that the relationship between Vietnam and Laos is a special and rare example in international relations, Khamphao Ernthvanh underlined that the Vietnam - Laos special solidarity, founded by President Ho Chi Minh, President Kaysone Phomvihane and President Souphanouvong and nurtured by generations of leaders, soldiers, and people of both countries, has become a precious asset and a unique relationship in the world. Up to now, the unique ties have been continuously promoted in both breadth and depth in all fields and have turned into the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the two parties, states, militaries, and peoples.

Regarding the contribution of the bilateral defense cooperation to the Vietnam - Laos ties, the Lao ambassador said that the special relations have been consolidated and boosted in all fields, in which defense cooperation is one of the important pillars.

Over the past time, the two defense ministers and militaries have actively and pro-actively coordinated in implementing the defense cooperation protocol and the annual cooperation plan in a comprehensive and substantive manner. Meanwhile, the two defense ministries have directed agencies, units, and localities to organize exchange programs and twinning ceremonies.

Vietnamese Minister of National Defense General Phan Van Giang and his Lao counterpart General Chansamone Chanyalath sign the cooperation plan in 2023.

Amid the negative effects posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the two defense ministries proposed measures to strengthen bilateral defense cooperation. Attentively, Vietnam has stood by Laos in the pandemic prevention and control, contributing to creating favorable conditions for the neighboring country to restore socio-economic developments.

In 2021, both sides teamed up with each other to successfully organize the first Vietnam - Laos Border Defense Friendship Exchange in Laos’ Savannakhet province and Vietnam’s Quang Tri province, contributing to bringing bilateral defense relations to a more substantive and effective stage of development, enhancing political trust, accelerating the cooperative relations, and firmly protecting national sovereignty and border security.

Talking about the traditional friendship and solidarity among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, Ambassador Khamphao Ernthavanh underlined that Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia are three neighboring countries, sharing the same mountains and rivers. The natural factors have created a solid connection in the struggle for national independence as well as the cause of national construction and defense in each country.

Over the past time, the three defense ministries have closely worked together to implement significant contents, obtaining remarkable results. Meanwhile, they have collaborated in successfully organizing the first joint exercise on search and rescue among Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in Vientiane (Laos) in 2022. Recognizing the significance of the defense cooperative relations among the three militaries, Vietnam’s Ministry of National Defense has coordinated with the Lao and Cambodian defense ministries to make thorough preparations for the first Vietnam-Lao-Cambodia Border Defense Friendship Exchange, which is expected to take place in mid-December.

Mentioning the preparations for the exchange program, the Lao ambassador evaluated that the event is an important external defense relations activity of the three countries this year. Therefore, leaders at all levels, especially defense leaders, have paid much attention to the preparations.

Especially, the event has seen the participation of many agencies and units, as well as people in the three countries. That is the clearest evidence of the solidarity, cooperation, and mutual support of the three countries.

She also expressed her belief that the event will wrap up successfully, contributing to enhancing political trust, friendship, and solidarity between Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia while bolstering cooperation between the three countries’ border protection forces.

Meanwhile, the exchange activities will help promote economic development and people-to-people exchange in border areas, as well as spread the message of solidarity, friendship, and mutual support among the three governments, militaries, and peoples, thereby building the Vietnam-Cambodia-Laos border of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation, and development.

Reported by Huy Dong

Translated by Quynh Oanh