Recently, reporters of the People’s Army Newspaper, had the opportunity to accompany the delegation of the Ha Tinh provincial Military Command to visit the military-civilian infirmary in Xanaxay hamlet, Paksan town. Early in the morning, the Lao people flocked to the infirmary to have their health checked. Holding a bag of medicines in her hands, 51-year-old Chansamon, a local in Xanaxay hamlet, felt grateful to the infirmary’s doctors and nurses. Before the health establishment was built, she had to make forest leaf tea to drink when she got sick. Now she and local people choose to go to the infirmary to have their health checked and treated. 

The inauguration ceremony of the Military-Civilian Infirmary in Xanaxay hamlet, Paksan town

According to the unit’s representative, Ha Tinh province donated VND 8.3 billion to build the Military-Civilian Infirmary of Laos’ Bolikhamxay provincial Military Command. After the one-year construction, the project was completed and put into operation in March, 2023. This project bears great significance since Xanaxay hamlet is one of the poor localities in the Bolikhamxay with the majority of the population are ethnic minority people. The locality lacks medical facilities and services for troops and people. Therefore, when the project was completed, local people have been extremely excited since then as they can have access to modern healthcare services.

Constructed on an area of 800sq.m, the two-story infirmary has 28 rooms and is equipped with modern machines, capable of examining, diagnosing, and treating different kinds of illnesses. Since it was put into operation, the infirmary has provided health examination and treatment for thousands of patients and become a reliable address of Lao troops and people.

Military-Civilian Infirmary’s doctors and nurses providing health examination for local people

As reported, in realizing the cooperation program between the Ha Tinh provincial Military Command and the Bolikhamxay provincial Military Command, the two units have well coordinated in managing the borderline; surveying, searching, collecting, and repatriating remains of fallen Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and advisors; organizing refresher courses on military and politics knowledge, regulations on diplomatic activities. Bolikhamxay’s officials have visited and learnt about the training, production, and regularity building of agencies and units under the Ha Tinh provincial Military Command. 

Meanwhile, Ha Tinh’s armed forces have provided free health examination, repaired houses for the Lao people, helped them respond to and overcome the consequences of natural disasters, built friendship houses and water tanks, concreted local roads, and constructed sanitation projects. In the 2022-2023 period, Ha Tinh province has provided VND 1.5 billion to assist Bolikhamxay in building gratitude houses for national contributors, presented billions of VND in cash and medical supplies to help the locality in the COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control. On special occasions, the two sides have sent delegations to visit, exchange wishes, and present gifts to each other, contributing to strengthening solidarity and friendship.

Bolikhamxay’s Mayor Kongkeo Xaysongkham said that the Lao people treasure the sentiment and valuable support of Ha Tinh in general and the provincial Military Command in particular to the province and consider Ha Tinh people friendship ambassadors. Their efforts in building the infirmary have greatly contributed to better caring for local people, promoting socio-economic development in Paksan town in particular and Bolikhamxay province in general. The project is a symbol and a clear proof of the friendship and special solidarity between the two localities. 

Translated by Tran Hoai